Alchemy is at the heart of Audacia. 

In a fast paced, profit driven economy and world, we were determined to take the opposite path. We’ve chosen to slow down, and craft with intention, purity and wholeness. Our elixirs are delicious proof that ancient wisdom and practices work.

As far as we know, we are the only non-alcoholic organic spirit in the world that is shelf stable without using some concentrate, extract, flavoring, acid or stabilizer. The art of alchemy is how we were able to achieve this. 

What is Alchemy?

There are a few definitions of alchemy that have arisen throughout an interesting historical path. Alchemy is derived from the Arabian phrase ‘al-kima’ which referred to preparations created by Egyptians. Alchemy encompasses several philosophical traditions spanning some four millennia and three continents, so its actual roots are difficult to trace.

The first alchemists basically embraced three fascinating goals. The most common and well known aim was to transmute common metals like lead, into what they called a noble metal, or gold. Their second quest was to create an elixir of immortality, and the third was the creation of a panacea that would be capable of curing any disease.

While we don’t have a notion that Audacia Elixirs will cure all diseases or create immortality, we do parallel their ideology and beliefs that when the right, well researched and explored ingredients are combined... something far more magical can happen.

In fact, two of the literary definitions we love of alchemy are:

a process that is so effective that it seems like magic and a mysterious power or magic that can change things.

What we can share about ‘our magic’ is that we have approached the creation of our recipes much like alchemists did. We bring a deep desire for creating radical, positive change in the well being of individuals, communities and our planet.

We also bring an extensive, life long history of working in the healing arts within the plant kingdom. Our lead alchemist, Naomi and her son Loghan embody a profound reverence and awe for the wisdom and blessed gifts of plant medicine and the magic that happens in co-creating. 

Fortunately, humans are collectively re-awakening to the healing benefits of plants and are developing a broader respect and understanding of their importance, and purpose in our human journey.

Before chemistry

Alchemy is actually the historical precursor to chemistry. Although alchemists are best known for their quest to turn metal into gold, they actually made numerous materials for commerce. Some of those included: medicines, pigments, alloys, perfumes and even cosmetics. Through these creations, alchemists learned an enormous amount about the nature of matter and how different materials could be isolated and combined.

Alchemy is the practice of using spirituality or science to transform one type of matter into another.

As alchemists' wisdom grew, so did political fear. Alchemy became illegal in many European countries from the Middle Ages down to the early modern period. Rulers were afraid of the gold standard being undermined and possible corruption of the gold supply in Europe. Alchemists began adapting secretive ways to write their formulas.

The decline of European alchemy was brought about by the rise of modern science which held a disdain for “ancient wisdom”. Academic writers during the 18th-century attempted to divorce and separate the "new" chemistry from the "old" practices of alchemy.

Chinese alchemy was closely connected to Taoism and Indian alchemy with the Dharmic faiths. Greek alchemy was preserved in medieval Byzantine manuscripts and historians have relatively recently begun to delve into the study of Greek alchemy in the Byzantine period.

Today, alchemy is increasingly recognized as a fundamental basis of the history of chemistry. Alchemists developed highly practical knowledge about matter and the natural world, as well as sophisticated theories about its hidden nature and transformations.

Alchemists had a view of life and the world that led to people seeing alchemy as spiritual, pseudoscience or witchcraft.

The Philosophers Stone   

A common image, and one that one of our logos is based on, is the image seen here. Known as the Philosopher's Stone this is the central symbol that represents the mystical terminology of alchemy. It symbolizes: perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. 

Sacred geometry and shapes were often used to depict these hard to describe relations.

Efforts to discover the philosopher's stone were known as the Magnum Opus, which literally translates into The Great Work. The Magnum Opus for alchemists was the process of working with the prima materia to create the philosopher's stone that would lead them to the elixirs, the panaceas, and the gold they sought.

The prima materia, or first matter, were the ubiquitous starting ingredients, also referred to as quintessence or aether. Esoteric alchemists compare prima materia to anima mundi. Which is the intrinsic connection between all living beings, and relates to the world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. 

Spiritual Alchemy

There are also references to Spiritual Alchemy or what is experienced as an act of inner transformation. Basically, it is healing and freeing the inner parts of ourselves that can lead to liberation and freedom from the fears and beliefs that no longer serve us.

While this is a different, more inner application of alchemy that is more process driven than product driven it feels relevant to mention. For inner work, intuition, and connection to the Divine or Spirit has always been interwoven throughout the history of alchemy.

Both Naomi and Loghan bring to Audacia: a deeply held belief in the power of our thoughts and actions, a desire for making a profound difference, and a strong commitment to doing spiritual evolutionary work in the gift of this lifetime.

We know our thoughts influence our creations and in our handcrafting we truly bring reverence to our work. We hope that you will experience our goal of reimagining drinking:

An experience that nourishes your body, mind and spirit.
