The Guide to Elixir


Shake It Up BABY!

At Audacia we emphasize the art of creating a delicious cocktail. We want to ensure everyone has the knowledge and inspiration to whip up delicious elixir cocktails regardless of location, time zone, equipment, energy level, mood or company!

We have created a guide that ensures that you have no excuse not to enjoy an elixir cocktail…the only requirement? A bottle of Audacia!


It is important to remember that we created a product that we encourage you to use as you would any other base spirit or non-alcoholic alternative. What is most important is that you become familiar with the flavor profiles of each elixir so you can start creating your own delicious elixir cocktails. 

The most important tip we can provide anyone is to remember that at first, our elixir flavor profiles will be completely new to your taste buds and palate. We encourage you to not judge the elixirs or a cocktail on the first sip, this is critical! Be sure to take a few sips before you decide. The elixir experience is similar to that of traditional alcohol in the sense that at first, it will be an intense, unfamiliar experience and ultimately you will have favorite elixirs that you prefer to the rest.  All of our elixirs might not be for you, if you don’t enjoy one, we encourage you to try another.

To help get you acquainted with our elixirs, we have provided an overview of each one including complimentary ingredients to work with and mixer ideas. We also have a collection of basic and advanced recipes to enjoy (which can be found here). This page is dedicated to helping guide you as to what tools are needed and how to use them!


We always encourage you to have the proper tools on hand to make creating delicious elixir cocktails a breeze. Here are the basics that are needed:

Mesh Strainer
Citrus Juicer

Other important items:

Ice (Even if you prefer no ice in the glass, ice is critical for mixing a great cocktail).

Great cocktail glasses (we suggest thrifting for them!). 

Garnishes (Always reserve ingredients from mixing to garnish with! We consume with our eyes first and guests will always light up at a beautiful presentation).


The basic sweeteners that we prefer for elixir cocktails are:

  • Maple syrup tends to be very sweet/concentrated and usually we use a little less then all other sweeteners).

  • Honey a great, usually local option but use caution. All honey is different based on what the bees have pollinated and some flavor profiles can be adverse in a cocktail. Use lighter honey and be sure to taste the honey before adding it in.

  • Agave is a great option on the lighter side, though some folks tend to avoid it for certain health concerns. We love how it pairs with our Aurum elixir in particular.

  • Simple Syrup is the go to in most bars. It’s simply 1:1 water to sugar ratio brought to a boil, poured into a jar and cooled. You can use all types of sugar, though naturally darkened colored sugars will impact the color of the cocktails you are making!

  • Italian Soda’s and other sweetened beverages (like ginger ale), these can absolutely be used but it will take some tinkering to hit the right spot of sweetness depending on your preference. Check out our recipes for some ideas and be sure to send us a note if you find pairings you enjoy!

Sweeteners to avoid:

  • Anything artificial. Our elixirs have been meticulously crafted with the best ingredients for the health and well being of everyone. We greatly encourage you to avoid artificial sweeteners not only for your own well being, but we have found that they don’t tend to jive flavor wise.

  • Tonic water. Along the same above, we have simply found that this combination with any of our elixirs does not produce a favorable result.


As with anything we consume, the best recipes are the ones we enjoy. All of our recipes and suggestions are just that, suggestions. You can always add or reduce any part of a recipe! 

In general, we recommend 2 ounces of elixir per cocktail or per serving when enjoying neat or on the rocks. In terms of sweeteners, 1/4oz is on the low side, 1/2oz is generally the happy medium and 3/4oz or more is for those who enjoy drinks on the sweeter side. 

When working with other mixers and ingredients, the best route to hitting the sweet spot is to start on low side and know that you can always add more.

Remember, the perfect cocktail is one that you get a little bit of everything without any one component dominating. When tasting your elixir cocktail creations, taste with this idea in mind!

Now that you’ve read through our enjoyement page, be sure to check out our recipe page along with our flavor pairings page!

Need help more help? We’re here to help guide you!

Please reach out to us with any questions or guidance.

We’re here to help create the most pleasurable drinking experience of your life.